U.S. Electricity Prices Higher Under Biden Administration
Research by the Energy Alliance reveals that under the Biden administration, average wholesale electricity prices rose by 72% compared to the Trump era, with Texas seeing the highest average price and a 208% increase. California and New York followed, with all three states heavily investing in renewable energy subsidies.

U.S. Federal Renewable Energy Subsidies Accelerate Energy Transition but Pose Risks to Grid Reliability and Consumer Costs
U.S. federal subsidies for renewable energy are accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, resulting in higher costs and increased grid unreliability. Renewable subsidies, which have surged in recent years, are cited as the key factor behind the commercial success of wind and solar energy. This shift distorts the energy market and undermines the reliability of the U.S. electric grid. Lawmakers should eliminate all energy subsidies to allow market forces to determine the energy mix.

Government Policies Drive $19.9 Billion Increase in Texas Electricity Costs for 2023
A decade of government-imposed costs has added over $84 billion to Texans’ electricity bills, with further increases projected through 2028.

PUC’s Market Redesign Increases Costs and Reduces Reliability
A newly released paper by the Energy Alliance, The End of Texas’ Energy-Only Electricity Market, shows that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s recent order for the Public Utility Commission of Texas to proceed with a redesign of the Texas electricity market will not improve the reliability of the Texas grid.

Why Texans are paying more for less electricity
Heavy reliance on intermittent generation is why the Texas grid is facing reliability problems today.
Yet rather than deal with the problem of renewables by eliminating renewable subsidies, Texas politicians are just throwing our money at the market.

Green Energy Threatens Reliability of Texas, US Electric Grids
(Originally published in the Daily Signal - July 18, 2022)
Texans might be forgiven for thinking they have it better than the Brits when it comes to keeping the lights on. After all, they live in the energy capital of the world. However, the destructive nature of renewable energy like that used in Great Britain knows no borders, especially when American politicians push subsidies and mandates to force us off fossil fuels, threatening not just Texas but the entire U.S. electric grid.

Study Finds Decline in Reliability and Affordability Caused by Politicization of the Texas Electricity Market
The Energy Alliance today released a new study, The Decline and Fall of Reliability, Affordability, and Competition in ERCOT, that explains the connection between political interference and the decline in generation adequacy and reliability in the Texas grid.

The Energy Alliance Files Comments on SEC’s Climate-Related Disclosure Rule
The Energy Alliance recently filed comments on the Security and Exchange Commission’s Climate-Related Disclosure Rule encouraging the SEC to halt consideration of the rule. The rule would add billions of dollars of compliance costs to the American economy while steering investment into more expensive and less reliable forms of energy.

Opinion: Texans are ready to end corporate property tax breaks
(Originally published in the Houston Chronicle - February 25, 2022)
Texans all across the political spectrum sent them a clear message that it is wrong for Texas school districts to give multi-million property tax breaks to big business while average Texans’ property tax bills are skyrocketing.

(Originally published in the Texas Business Daily - February 22, 2022)
Texans sent a clear message to members of the Legislature that it was wrong for Texas school districts to give multi-million property tax breaks to big business while average Texans’ property tax bills are skyrocketing.

Texans must speak out to avoid higher electricity prices
(Originally published in the Austin Journal - October 19, 2021)
Ockham’s razor tells us that the simplest explanation for the cause of the blackouts is that the only resource that can never be counted on to reliably generate electricity—renewable energy—ought to be the top focus.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Instead, the preferred solution seems to be making sure that Texans pay even more of their hard-earned money to fill the coffers of the major corporations, cities, and other special interests who own, operate, and supply the Texas electric grid.

Texans will take a hit under the $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill
(Originally published in the Houston Daily - October 19, 2021)
Human nature often leads us to believe we will not be harmed by events in faraway places. However, when it comes to the proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill in our nation’s capital, Texans should not succumb to this fallacy. If passed, the bill will adversely affect our state for years to come.

ERCOT’s Roadmap to a California-style electricity market
(Originally published in the Austin Journal - August 14, 2021)
In the aftermath of February’s Great Texas Blackout, there has been much consternation and confusion. The lack of clarity has been evident in the proclamations and actions from politicians, regulators, and the energy industry.
Renewable energy participants will continue to receive over $2 billion a year in federal, state, and local subsidies. Traditional and renewable generators will continue to get paid billions through the PUC’s manipulation of market prices, be it through ancillary services, price adders, or a capacity market.
The billions that taxpayers and consumers are paying the industry is being couched in the language of reliability. But market manipulation and subsidies never increase reliability; just ask your average Californian or New Yorker.

Electric competition works – will Texas let it?
(Originally published in the Dallas Express - July 14, 2021)
During the last 20 years that Texas has been promoting competition, it has also been promoting anti-competitive subsidies for generators. Particularly for renewable energy.
The cost of all these subsidies to taxpayers and consumers is tremendous and the cost to Texans will keep growing if Texas politicians continue their push for a capacity market. We estimate that a capacity market will cost Texans $4 billion to $8 billion per year. That would be on top of the $2 billion or so per year we are already paying for renewable subsidies.

Will the Texas Legislature take on renewable energy?
(Originally published in the Houston Daily - May 24, 2021)
Despite years of increasing reliance on intermittent generation sources like wind and solar, Texas policymakers seem to have been caught by surprise by the blackouts experienced by millions of Texans this winter.
They should not have been. While temperatures dropped into the single digits for extended periods over much of Texas, solar and wind generators were largely no shows on the Texas grid. While other factors were in play, it was renewables that led Texas into darkness.

Wind Subsidies Help Freeze Texans
(Originally published on Master Resource, February 18, 2021)
“No, frozen wind turbines are not mainly to blame for the massive power outages in Texas. But renewable energy subsidies are.”
“The greatest danger that Texans now face is the political establishment’s continued unwillingness to challenge the renewable-energy lobby. If that happens, the result will be more of the same: increased cost of electricity and decreased reliability of the electric grid.

Texas Solar Tax Abatement: Will the Texas Gravy Train Slow?
Federal and State Subsidies = Artificial Boom. Wind has dominated Texas’ renewable energy landscape for the last 20 years. However, solar is making a concerted effort to catch up. Utility-scale solar capacity almost doubled in 2020. But, favorable press releases are one thing. The loss to real-world homeowners, consumers, and state appropriators in this substitution of dilute, intermittent generation is quite another.

Renewable energy: Big business and big government getting rich off taxpayers
(Originally published in The Lone Star Standard, December 9, 2020.)
In 2019, wind and solar farms operating in Texas took in almost $6 billion in subsidies and benefits from local, state, and federal governments. All of that came out of the pockets of average everyday Americans—mostly Texans…

PUC Refuses to Release Information on Electricity Costs
The Energy Alliance today submitted a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton challenging the decision by the Public Utility Commission of Texas not to release documents related to the “electricity tax” it imposed on Texans.
“Last year, PUC commissioners added $3.6 billion to the wholesale price of electricity in ERCOT,” said Bill Peacock, the policy director of the Energy Alliance who submitted the request. “The same thing could be happening this year, but the PUC will not release information in its possession that might inform the public how much electricity prices are being increased.”

Are California’s Blackouts a Glimpse of Texas’ Future?
(Originally published in the Lone Star Standard August 28, 2020.)
Truth be told, it is the “innovation” of wind energy that is largely responsible for California’s blackouts. Since Texas is even more innovative when it comes to wind energy, today’s problems with California’s electric grid could be a glimpse into Texas’ future.